Tuesday, April 28, 2009


It is a perfect day to play catch up! It's drippy outside and it makes me want to stay in my pajamas all day and move from one project to another. Kind of like wandering but in my own house. Alas-I have been so busy with the Barn and the Garden Show-that chores [many] have been neglected! I have never been one to have a close relationship with the vacuum and boy can you tell that it has been a distant relative-so first I will do the floors, dust a bit, finish laundry and at 1:00 I will start my projects. I have three baskets of new product to prepare for Monticello and the barn. It's always fun to go through the treasures to see if any of them need to rest in my house for a bit to be admired or need to go to Donna's house into her studio/museum. The museum is Donna's way of keeping me from selling a treasure she thinks we should keep. You guessed it-Donna has some real treasures that I am so happy that we did not put up for sale. I get to visit them all of the time-but I don't have to keep them in my house. Folks always ask us if our houses look like our Monticello spaces or look like our show spaces and the answer is no. Except for Donna's museum/studio both our houses are pretty sparse and have lots of color. Who would of thunk it! Well the chores are calling and I do want to play this afternoon-so I better get going. See you soon.


Sue said...

Yes, days like that are very nice....even if it starts with doing the floors! I always feel smug when I get my chores done early and then get to play......especially when I have Hagen Daz to eat too!!

Lisa Johnson said...

I am having one of the bouncing from one thing to the next kind of days. So rainy out. Nice to have indoor projects to work on. BTW, I would love to see some pictures of your homes please:) Hope to see you again soon!



Maison Douce said...

Please snap some photos of the museum, we wanna see... Or maybe you can sell tickets and let us all in!!! Big hug!

Little Cottage said...

Hi Donna,
You sound a lot like me;- and my house doesn't look like "my stuff" either! Isn't it fun to keep things for a while & then pass it on for others to enjoy. Wonder how many furniture & smalls have passed through these doors.....
See you soon!

Auntie Joy said...

Hope you got stuff done for your space cause when I was in there today, it looked like lots had gone out the front door of Monticello!! That's a good thing and now there is room for more to come in the back door... and so goes the circle.
