Monday, April 13, 2009


We are busy little beavers getting ready for the BARN SALE this Saturday and the Monticello
Market Place Garden Show beginning Friday, April 24th. As true to form we have jumped in with excitement and found that there is not enough time during the day and evening to do all the things we want to do. Donna has been doing her magic with our part of the barn to brighten it up in preparation for moving stuff from storage. We should finish up today with what we have planned to do for the barn structure [at least for the April Show] and do the big move into the barn tomorrow. Thank goodness for my son and our nephew-in-law, they will be doing the heavy work. And yes-I have the camera in the car and hope to get pictures uploaded tonight. Although no promises as my past efforts to do so have been lacking. I am beginning to think that the camera-doesn't matter which one -is becoming my nemesis. Off to the Barn and if time, to Monticello to fluff. From the BARN to Monticello it is only 12 minutes on I-205! We are lucky ducks [or should I say-lucky dogs]!


melanie said...

can't wait to see pics...I am going to be out of town this weekend, so will miss another Barn Sale! Egads...I think that I am jinxed! I will hope to catch the next one, but will be seeing you next week while I, too, set up for Monticello! There just isn't enough time in the day!!!

Amy'svintagecottage said...

How much Fun~I sure hope we can get back down that way to see you in the near future. The Barn sounds Great!
