Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Every day is a learning day-especially with this blog! I did get the Nikon uploaded into the computer-a few cord problems-but I figured it out in the end. My son has the cord at his house, so I used the Canon cord to up load and it worked. The only trouble is that the pictures got up loaded into Adobe Photoshop Album and it is a new program for me-so until I figure out how to use it, the pictures I have taken on it are being held captive by a computer and camera that are smarter than me! Now one might say-upload the pictures again and choose a program that you know-good idea-except in my limited wisdom, I erased them from the Nikon. So if I want these pictures-I learn the new program.

I have added new pictures from the Canon digital point and shoot and maybe-I should just stick with that camera as I seem to know how to do it-that is if I keep the battery charged! Enjoy the new pictures! My next goal is to learn how to embed the pictures under each narrative. Good luck with that one-Diana. Remember yesterday when you added to the blog roll -you somehow erased the entire list and had to do it all over again. Well as I say-each day is a learning day-I wonder what I will learn today?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOVE the pictures...I still haven't conquered my camera and all that goes with it. My pics always turn out a bit fuzzy, in my opinion! Your blog is looking lovely, as was your booth last week! Just love your goodies! thanks for always inspiring me to do/be better...always a fan!
