If you are a parent you understand that the minute your child is born your life will forever change it's axis and the world as you knew it will change forever. As your children grow and learn about life and all that it has to offer we as parents want them to experience only the "GOOD" in life and to protect them from all that will make them unhappy and sad and break their hearts.
Our wonderful daughter Jamie had a miscarriage last Saturday and her heart is breaking. She and her husband are devastated and are grieving for their dream and what may have been. I know that she and her husband will be parents in the future but right know for our girl the future seems a long way away. As her mom I know that it will take time for her to heal. As much as I wish that I could pull out a magic eraser and make all the pain go away I understand that life is a culmination of happy and sad experiences. These experiences will help define the emotional growth of our daughter and son-in-law and help prepare them for the immense job of parenting their future children. They too will only want the "GOOD" for their family but will more clearly understand that no matter how much you love or want to protect your children from unhappy and sad times they are a part of our life's experience. Our daughter and her husband who both view the world with their "cups overflowing" are beginning to look forward to their future.
When you sign up for being a parent know one can tell you just how wonderful and exciting and hard that it can be. I would not choose to change a minute of being a MOM even if I knew ahead of time how heart wrenching it sometimes can be. Hugs, Donna
sending prayers your way...I, too, love being a parent, even though there are soooo many ups and downs.
wishing healing for you all...
I am so so sorry to hear this. I know from having 3 scares during my miracle pregnancy how hard this is just to be told that you have three days to accept you might be having a miscarriage is draining enough but actually having it is life changing.
Thoughts are with you and your family right now and it is sad to say and hard to hear but there is a reason for everything.
Words are just inadequate at a time like this . . . so sad for everyone involved! My (ex) sister-in-law (still friend) had a miscarriage with her first child many years ago. Crushing, to say the least. But, the good news is, she (at her doctor's urgings) tried again relatively soon after that and KRISTEN was born . . . gorgeous, beautiful, perfect! (Kristen just had HER first child!!!). The cycle of life is good . . . hang on!
xoxo Debi
Such a beautiful write today. No truer words...
I am so sorry to hear about your daughter's recent loss. They will be in my prayers.
A BIG warm heart felt hug from all of us at Monticello. ~Joyce
So sad to read this post today. Sending a big hug to you and your family...hang in there
Sending a big hug to your daughter and her husband... I, too, had a miscarriage the first time we got pregnant, we were truly devastated as we had been trying for more than a year... Now we have four beautiful children...!!
I'm so very sorry to hear this news....it happens to so many women and seems so cruel. Hugs to your daughter and her husband.
Oh Donna, I know the pain you feel, as my oldest daughter lost a baby and my youngest lost two. You just want to take that pain away, it just rips your heart out. But somehow they seem to heal and move forward. We just need to be there for those hugs. Hugs to you my friend. Florence
That is sad news. My heart and prayers go out to all of you. Hugs... Laurie
Oh, I know too well of the pain you speak of...we would rather walk that path ourself than to see our baby girl go through it...hugs to all.
As mother's we all know:
If we could, none of our children would have to feel any pain, but that is part of life & part of what forms us;- for the future!
My thoughts are with your daughter & her husband & you as her mother!
Love is the best medicine :o)
well said, donna...and only good things to you and your family from here on...
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